Central Logistics
Central Logistics

Secure Transport

Secure Transportation


In addition to our standard security expectations for our general distribution and in line with our sister company Central Security Ltd we are proud to offer you secure transportation for your items as part of our contract distribution solution.

From pick up to delivery, our teams work hard to ensure the highest standards of security, whether it’s across the city or around the UK.

We have made it our mission to offer you the most secure logistics solutions, which is why we continually strive to improve our security services by focusing on risk-mitigating measures. This protects employees, assets and customers’ goods by reducing and preventing exposure to crime and terrorism.

In order to protect your goods, and our employees and assets, we will implement additional security measures in areas of high risk.

These measures may include:

  • Security control centres
  • GPS
  • Security escorts
  • Enhanced site control
  • Pre route risk assessment

Security training


All new employee induction courses have security as an important part. Specific job-related / contract related security training such as Drivers’ Security Awareness Training and  on-going refresher courses for relevant job functions.

Central Logistics screens its employees and sub-contractors in line with its risk assessment and employment policy.


If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with your business, then please contact us.

A member of the : Central Services Group Ltd.

We operate from depots in:

Essex -
Milton Keynes -

Covering all areas of the UK

Head Office:
Unit 4a
Enterprise House
Ripper Court
Sible Hedingham

Contact us:

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


0800 328 4071

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Central Services Group Ltd