Central Logistics
Central Logistics

Pick & Pack

Central Logistics Ltd, Milton Keynes and Essex are specialists in providing cost effective, client-centred Contract Pick and Pack solutions.


Packing options range from simple pick and pack, repacking, relabelling, re-stacking, mixing and sorting, and labelling.

Working in a close partnership with our clients, we draw on our experience and the latest warehouse technology to develop bespoke solutions that enable our customers to focus of their core competencies.


If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with your business, then please contact us.

A member of the : Central Services Group Ltd.

We operate from depots in:

Essex -
Milton Keynes -

Covering all areas of the UK

Head Office:
Unit 4a
Enterprise House
Ripper Court
Sible Hedingham

Contact us:

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


0800 328 4071

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Central Services Group Ltd